duminică, 15 noiembrie 2015

Racing with a outdated heart

We had our fun

with our broken hearts
racing them.. to full stop.

wow ce sexy

vineri, 6 noiembrie 2015

The brutality of soft whispers

I got lost, not cause I let go of myself to become something new
but because I abandoned myself of fear I was somehow not sufficient.

Eventually I stopped upon hearing a distant scream.. scared, alone, forgotten and angry, my old voice warned of death. Footsteps away - the crevasse of doom. My ignorant, arrogant gallop would have thrown me towards. And even more frightened of what was to come, I decided to turn.

Picking myself up again would be the hardest to do. For I was lost, in the deep dark woods, of my own wickedness.

Alas..  the courage of a knight was won.

luni, 27 iulie 2015


Prin crapaturile mici
cel mai bine patrunde

La inceput ca mierea

marți, 30 iunie 2015

With courageous frailty

I step into your pain
unleashing what I had
thought forgotten

I rob you of your chance
to suffer so I gain:
My glory in the sharp


in the clear cut mirror
of a fool heart.

Click for image source. 

marți, 2 iunie 2015

Caut o fata, facuta din antimaterie,
atom geaman, 
cu care sa schimb cunoscutul 
pe necunoscut
si sa impart singuratatea
in doua jumatati pline.


miercuri, 6 mai 2015

Love is a scary thing

Because love is always teaching you something new
And learning so fast, and going so far.. beyond
is thrilling, ecstatic and fucking scary at the same time.

Love is jumping into nothingness
Over and over
Until you learn to fall
And falling completely
you will learn to fly.

Give up!

Life is a Dance in The Rain III - by borda 

luni, 23 martie 2015